Saturday, November 25, 2006

New Member Of The Family

A few days ago while cleaning the Doves cage - Romeo escaped.
Unfortunately a neighbouring cat got to him before I did and all that was left was some white feathers on the front lawn. Juliet seems mighty sad some days.
Today on returning from a trip to my mum's we picked up a new member of the family - not a dove - but a cat. A black and white cat infact. All it took was one look and I was in love and knew he would be a happy addition to our household. I used to have cat that looked like him but he died of old age when I was in my teens (his name was Minstrel). We called this 8 week old furball "Onyx" (which is a black and white gemlike stone).
Rusty my 4yr old orange tabby cat took to him right away. Travis is fascinated by the tiny meöws the kitty makes but insists its a "dog-gey". Isn't he adorable?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Maybe Johannesburg? Pt 2

Well we got word today - inconclusive!
I't seems the lady whom Sam was to replace has decided to hold onto her job till January. Good news tho is that they want Sam to make sure he renews his passport for January and since he is the only candidate they are interviewing they expect to see him in mid January. But they have to save to official word of yay or nay till then.
I prefer to remain optimistic and enjoy our Christmas in Perth with our families and expect to miss the school holiday crowded flights to Jo'burg!
Hmmmm maybe I'll swim with a Great White Shark in Cape Town one holiday?

Maybe Johannesburg?

Sam & I have decided that if Sam is offered a job in Johannesburg (locals call it Jo'burg) that we will accept.

We know it has a reputation for being a crime haven and dangerous but after doing alot of research, I have found that we should be fine. Apparently the last few years have produced alot of change on the South African city and that while we still need to be careful and continuously aware of our surrounds - the crime is generally among the "rattier suburbs".

While initially hesitant about the move - the more research the better I felt about the idea of living in Jo'burg. Accommodation is cheap but of good quality & most have great security - particularly the newer areas in the Northern Suburbs. There's plenty to see and do and then again its only a hop (no skip needed) to places like Egypt, Morocco, Mauritius, France and Italy. But I'd love to see the Kruger National Park and the Nelson Mandela Museum!

We find out today if the position is his.

Monday, November 06, 2006

First Post!!

My name is Cassie and this is my first blog.
I've decided to keep a blog because editting my website so frequently has become a chore to time consuming to maintain. My website is becoming my backup of files I want to share with friends and family. This blog is to keep people updated with how things are going in my life and that of my beautiful if fledgling family.