Friday, December 03, 2010

Too busy

It's nuts around here! I swear I've never been this flat out in my entire life (ok Maybe cashiering that  "000 sale" was slightly worse LOL). But I've never had it be this relentless. The worst part is - it's not going to get much better anytime soon - infact with school holidays rapidly approaching it's going to be worse for awhile!
So while my iphone has proven its worth a million times over with its awesome calender & alarms functions, I am going to have to use it some more - I'm going to have to BOOK IN "ME TIME"!

I simply have too many things going on at the moment (which includes people coming over regularly so I can't let even the dishes slide a bit!). What with my 2 adorable kiddies, 1 exhausted "hubby", 1 cat and a new kitten, a bunch of appointments every week for my son, his kindy (and all those special things that come with it like b'day parties, extra Xmas cards, meetings with teachers, assemblies etc), regular household chores, family commitments (I refuse to give them up.) & gearing up for Xmas all demanding my time (plus the occasional bout of insomnia making me zombie like for a week while I try to catch up on sleep) - I'm exhausted and using my addiction to facebook to steal "me time". 
Now I know I'm not alone here! How many times have I smiled at someone in the shopping centre, trying to bring just a little happiness to someone who is looking a little frazzled only to have them not notice because they're operating on auto pilot.....probably a million or more times. The funny thing is tho - did you ever notice how many more of us turn into zombies (just with big plastic grins) around Xmas?
So I'm going to do something about me - I'm not going to pretend to feel cheer - I want to actually feel it - I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I LOVE the spirit of it (not the presents but the family and friends, the extra helpings of tolerance, of goodwill and charity that we all make an effort to show)!
So since I can't do my usual pattern when I get a case of "The Shoulds" (see i-just-dont-feel-like-it blogpost), I'm going to try to stave it of for a little bit with some booked time out. 1 day a week where I don't clean (except the dishes and the kids),1 day a week where if I book an event for that day - it includes a glass of wine to unwind with, and 1/2 hour every morning during Emy's nap time that I facebook with a cup of hot coffee (no racing around after its made until you get half a sip of cold coffee - Travis can sit in his room and play or watch a DVD or draw it doesn't matter - aslong as it's quiet and calming)! 
It may not seem like much - but for me - those are the things I need to feel human, to feel alive, to feel like myself and not just my family's secretary. Hopefully this will hold of The Shoulds until after the Xmas rush - when I get a chance to have hubby home and so a bit of a holiday (lets face it - we all love it when Daddy takes the kids for a few hours no matter how much we love them :P )
How do you cope when it gets busy? What helps you get through the "silly season"?
Oh and BTW - Sam turned 30 last week! Please tell him he's not old - because it's my turn in March !! LOL!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cooking with kids....

Travis is learning to cook. He is 5 years old and into cars and construction in a big way - but cooking is something I've had to encourage. And I do - that is I do encourage Travis to learn to do "domestic chores" - exactly the same as I encourage Emy (the only difference is the allowance for age).
Gender on the domestic front for us is a non issue. The fact is that I CHOOSE (and it's still my choice) to stay at home with the kids. Sam is learning to cook regular meals (he was darn good with a waffle iron and could make hot dogs but that's it when I met him) and he enjoys it now that he does it about 50% of the time (we alternate the cooking & the kids showers routine).
Anyway I digress as usual. Cooking with kids is a fun, messy and often wonky affair. Travis is good at it when he is in the mood for it - otherwise he's just trying to wait till he can sneak away.
The one thing I can always get him to cook is biscuits! He prefers fancy biscuits but he will happily cook plain biscuits if he gets to ice them. Shapes are a little funky but they still taste great :D
Travis' favourite plain biscuit recipe is from the good old CWA cookbook.
ICED BISCUITS (53rd ed, pg 241)
Cream 125gm butter & 1 cup of sugar together. Add 1 egg (beaten), a dash of your choice of flavoured essence (we like vanilla) and 2 cups of self raising flour. Mix until forms a stiff dough. Roll out onto a lightly floured surface till 5 mm thick. Cut with biscuit cutter into your preferred shape and and put in the oven on a non stick pan (moderate heat) till slightly golden - 10 mins approx. Biscuits will stiffen on cooling and are great with a glass of cold milk!


Eating Out With Little Kids!

Let's face it - when we go out to a restaurant we're usually not thinking of the kids; we're thinking of a nice meal with hubby or catching up with friends and family. We're thinking the kids will wear that cute outfit and everyone will think they're adorable and charming.
We are all mad!!We're mad to try to wrangle children when they're all hyped up and excited into an environment that requires them to be quiet, still and require little to no attention - apart from praise. IT NEVER HAPPENS!
That is why I was so very proud of my kids last Tuesday night! Both of them behaved as well as I could have asked at while out to celebrate DH's new job.  They weren't perfect - but they did as well as I've ever seen a child do! Afterwards (and again the next morning) I was able to "descriptively praise" the kids' behaviour and I took great joy in announcing that because they had been so good we would be able to do it again - maybe next time with some more people!
They we're polite, not screamy, ate every bite they could fit - without a fuss, didn't make a mess, enthusiastically coloured in the papers they were given and were generally pleasant to be around. So by now if you know me and my kids - your probably saying "yeah right - bull***" or "OMG Wow!!".
But the thing is - it was because of me - that they were so good! (self congratulations count!!!)
You see, when Travis was little I did a lot of research on places to eat and how to take kids out without being the embarrassed Mum standing out front of the restaurant alternatively pleading or growling for the kids to behave - as I was sure I was going to end up!  It's taken time and quite a few moments of embarrasement - but finally we're happy with our "eating out manners".
The main thing all sites said was "practice". So we did. We eat out with the kids when we can and expect the same good manners at a HJ's as at a good restaurant (except there is a playground time instead of deserts at HJ's).
Another thing they said was to "pre-prepare the evening". So we do: naps are had early, the kids are told what will happen in advance and how we expect them to behave. We pack a mini bag of quiet entertainments in case of boredom or delayed meals.
Also to "know your limits". When the meal is over we don't push it - we head home (its usually past bedtime by then and the kids are getting tired). We book tables earlier so that we're not eating when they're trying to go to sleep. But if we want to hang around - we make sure that we have extra entertainments on hand and the kids know that at a certain point they have to sit and have quiet cuddles until its time to go.

I cobbled together a list of restaurant desirables to cater to our needs. The restaurants have to have:
1) kid friendly meals - well that's obvious right? There's no point in paying for a meal that they won't eat!
2) high chairs. Again a basic - if they cant see the plate......
3) family atmosphere. I refuse to be glared at when my children occasionally get too loud or I am heard to ask "Do you need to poo?" or "Did you poo or have you just farted?" (yes I say fart to my kids - but they don't say it back!).
4) background noise. A silent place makes us stick out like a sore thumb! We're pretty loud people and as a family there's no way we can all be whisper quiet!
5) kids meals delivered first. There's nothing worse than kids waiting for dinner but not being able to move. They're not very patient at all! Not to mention they take three times as long to eat half as much! If a child's meal is delivered 1/2 hour before mine I'm probably still going to finish before them!
6) patient & forgiving wait staff. My last waiter had to clean up 2 spills, fetch extra napkins and had to stop by twice as often at our table for extra lemonades and Mummy's cocktails :D (yes we did make a point of tipping the awesome fellow)!
7) children's entertainment. A playground is nice - but I'm not talking about going to Micky D's here so there are very few places that have this. All I'm talking about is something simple; a TV (music videos work on my kids), an environment that invites questions and conversations from young minds, a colouring page and crayons etc etc.
8) a fair price. Yes it seems obvious but family's will come out more often if they can afford it without having to save for months! 

So all in all we have been to a few places that are great with kids but our favourite (that also happens to be closest to us atm) is Hogs Breath cafe. They go as far as to treat the kids like people - not just an attachment to the people with money. It has everything we could ask for and even the gentlemen at the front counter makes a point of offering a balloon at the end of the evening and shaking my sons hand (makes him feel like such a big boy that hes simply bursting with pride on the way home).
We will be going the very least for one of their yummy cocktails :P

Sunday, November 07, 2010

House Proud

Ok, so not long ago I posted about the 1950’s woman and my attempt to emulate her “house proud” lifestyle.  I promised to keep you updated and so here I am ...trying not to boast :D
 I haven’t been perfect and my house is not shiny by anyone’s standards but I’m doing better!  My house is now consistently “visitor clean” 3 out of 7 days a week. By that I mean that if a visitor knocked on my door without warning on one of those days – I wouldn’t be embarrassed about the state the house was in! On those days the dishes are done and the floor is vacuumed. On the other days the house is generally tidier than it would have been before but I’d still be wincing inside if someone saw it.
I’ve also done a lot better with “hubby”.  I complain about my day (usually about whatever stopped me from getting things done) a lot less and surprisingly it’s had an unexpected bonus.....when I do complain now – he listens more!  We still have trouble keeping the house quiet when he comes home – but he he’s absolutely loving the coming home greetings. The kids even love doing it!
I do better with my appearance and feel better for it. I still have days (especially when I’m PMS’ing or when I was flu-ey) when I just can’t work up the effort to do more than be “not shameful”.  I’m particularly proud of my makeup. I bought a kewl brush set and I’m learning how to use it – so there is a difference between my 3 makeup stages now (excluding none at all; Mascara, concealer & lippy aka basic day wear.  Day wear plus & VIP occasion.)  Hubby has noticed and he makes a point of saying how much he likes it and is proud of my efforts.
When the weather is nice the kids are getting some outside time but the exercise on other days is not happening as much as I’d like. But then again – exercise isn’t one of my favourite things either.  :P  Travis has been given a couple of chores and he’s doing ok with them. He seems pleased to have them and loves it when we say thank you for doing them –  but it’s very hit and miss as to whether it gets done.
 I’m working towards my goals every day and I’m slowly getting there.  Getting slowly better with every week that goes by is pretty good if you ask me.  I’m proud of the progress I’ve made.
In taking my “don’t sweat the small stuff” advice, I try to no longer focus on the things I haven’t accomplished during the day and focus on what I have done.  So the most important thing I think I’ve accomplished – is feeling better about myself and making those around me feel just a little bit happier for it too! 

Monday, October 25, 2010

I just dont feel like it!!!!!!!!!

Yep another day gone by and it's been too long since I've blogged. Well I have news for you - I just don't feel like it!

But the problem is that it's not just blogging that I don't feel like doing. It's everything!
You know the kinda day where you end up just pottering around the house going "I should do this" and "I should do that" but you don't. Or you do it ....sort of.
My father recently explained to me that he was suffering from a case of "The Shoulds". I mentally giggled like
a child, thinking that it sounded like a case of "The Runs" with the inflection he put upon it. A little bit further into the conversation & I menally patted myself on the back - yep a case of  "The Shoulds" is about as fun and appealing as facing a case of "The Runs".

Shoulds are all the things you know you have to do. You know - the things that stop you from having fun.
You should: wash the dishes, vacuum the carpet, mop the tiles, do some laundry, weed the back lawn, do your filing, pay that bill, drop of the dry cleaning, make something healthy and/or new for dinner etc etc.
When what you really want to do is say "Bugger this!! I'm going to...." go see a friend, have a glass of wine with hubby, go out to dinner, go swimming at the beach, play that video game, take the kids to a fun park, buy a new handbag etc etc.
Getting a case of "The Shoulds" means that all those Should things that are normally just unappealing, banal or indifferent tasks become absolutely repugnant and offensive.

I sat there in amazement staring at my father as he carefully explained (in slightly different words) another part of his lifes learning for the hundredth time - and I finally just got it! It clicked!
When you have a case of "The Shoulds" - give yourself permission to do something on the "want to list"!
Of course, I'm not saying that we do it all the time - just when it becomes a severe case (and that it wont leave you in financial difficulty). I mean it's simple: Every now and then - ignore your chores and do something for you - & don't feel guilty about it!

You'll feel better for it and you'll tackle those "Shoulds" alot better afterward!

So there I was: sitting at my Dad's place feeling guilty about not being at home cleaning with Sam for the rent inspection. I'd already made it half way - I was doing something on my "want to" list, but I hadn't quite finished it. I decided then and there to not feel guilty anymore. I was gonna enjoy my little holiday at Dad's and go back renewed.
It' worked! I went home a few days later and made Sam feel a hero for his efforts and attatcked my shoulds with vigor!
Today: I'm playing on the computer and letting the kids run around almost nude and watch videos (sometimes kids get it too!). Tomorrow: Busy work!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Camping Goddess

Not everyone loves camping & anyone who has met my fiance would believe that Sam is one of  "those hotel only snobs". However, you would be wrong! Sam has shown an interest in going camping lately that has got my flagging country girl spirit all in an uproar. The moment he mentioned going I put a big tent on layby (he's pretty tall after all and the last thing we need is to have him throw his back out from stooping to get in the tent) and started salivating over the many camping grounds and exciting places we could visit.
A week ago we finished paying the layby off. I am stoked!
The tent is HUGE! A 12 person tent should be but I have some very vivid memories of being squashed with my then 10 year old sister into a 4 person tent. So I completely expected it to be alot smaller than it is. It easily has enough room for tall Sam and sprawling sleeper me in one "room" and the kids in another "room" with our gear at our feets and the communal gear in the "family room".
I fully expected Sam to have lost interest in it by this time - but I was determined to get the kids a chance to enjoy the bush (or atleast a caravan park). Surprise surprise - Sam is still keen on it and since I've still got most of my old gear I only have a few things left to pick up.
That is - to get it to a level that I would call comfy.
Since we're talking about the man who beleived that when I said I grew up in a country town, that I meant I grew up in a shack - hillbilly style - and was surprised when I took him to a town with a shop and *gasp* brick houses! I'm determined not to shock him with our first camping experience so I've been slowly introducing him to the process of setting up camp (and warned that we will probably be tired and a mite grumpy from the long drive to our camp spot with kids who aren't used to it when we put the tent up) and now we're in the process of getting those extra things that make camping more enjoyable.
Nothing like the old days - you know when you used to sit on a log around the fire in the 3 layers of clothing you wore yesterday and the day before, frantically trying to think up another card game you can play so you don't have to go to bed and be in all that quiet darkness imagining all sorts of creepy crawlies heading your way with the axe murderers and baby eating dingoes. Eeeek!
So we're kinda going luxury camping. Chairs (no dirty logs for us :P ), tables, air mattresses, mini shower, blankets (sleeping bags were the only thing I hated about camping), lots of lights, this kewl little air conditioning vent(for the kids day time naps only!) lots of enclosed mesh & space for everything - including a kitchen sink. Yep a kitchen sink.

We still need a decent esky (you know the ones rated for days not hours), another single blowup mattress, another portable gas bottle (incase our campsite/weather is not fire friendly), a radio (incase of Sam panic attack about the quiet/isolation) and a few more rechargable lights. After that we're out of here!

I imagine sitting out under the stars, a glass of vino in one hand and a marshmallow stick in the other while telling stories about how I used to go camping with my parents - the kids exhausted from a day of fresh air and lots of swimming and hiking are almost asleep and sitting quietly listening to us and the sound of the crikets. Armed with my new camping recipies - I'm proclaiming myself a camping goddess :D

Friday, September 24, 2010

1950's woman

The 1950's woman had alot of problems to face and only half the technology to get things done with. However there's a certain something about them that alot of women are trying to bring back.
It's called being "HOUSE PROUD"!

For the last few months I've tried to emulate some of the ideals of the stereotypical 1950's housewife. 
Ideals such as: That a good home is a clean one, a proud husband will try to make you proud also, children love to help you do things and are happier for being involved (even if it takes twice as long) & take time on your appearance - even if its just for around the house!
After reading alot of blogs, articles and excerpts from old books, I determined what I wanted to do - and failed miserably! I have now come to the conclusion that I tried to make too many changes at once. I am now ready to try again with a smaller start. 

My goals are: Don't sit down until you have done the dishes, tidied up, finished a load of washing & spent some time with the children. Do one big job a day. Greet hubby when he comes home from work as if he's been away for a week (big smiles, a hug and a kiss & spend a few minutes asking about his day). Make sure the kids get some "outside time" (something that wears the excess energy down) every day. Each child has a chore they must help you with (even if they have other chores of their own). Spend some time playing a game of their choice.
Dress in something that makes you feel pretty every day. Take the time to tidy yourself up before hubby comes home. Wear makeup (even if its just lippy & mascara) when you leave the house. Spend time reminding yourself of what it is you want to accomplish but don't sweat the small stuff.  Oh - and make time for friends & family (whether you visit them, they visit you or you meet them somewhere)!
I'll let you know how I go. :D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why is breakfast so horrible???

Today is just like any other day in the never ending cycle of weeks since I've had children. The daily battle of the breakfast begins.
My alarm goes of and I stumble groggily into the shower. I come out desperate for coffee and determined to make myself proud today. I am going to GET THINGS DONE, I am going to keep my temper, I am going to have a good day with good children, I am going to do it all with grace. Well I am going to get there one day.....In the mean time lets just try to do better than yesterday!
I wake the kids gently with a nursery rhyme I once heard had positive effects on waking up positive..."Good morning, good morning, good morning to you". Travis was already awake and playing in his room, but we keep to the routine. He looks up at me and smiles. My heart sings with love and hope for a better day. "Time for breakfast Travis, I'll go wake Emy". I head into Emy's room to wake her. She is asleep in the cot (having decided to take her nappy off and wee in the other beds yesterday - and the mattress' still drying last night from their resulting wash and disinfecting) - with her nappy off. I groan thinking about having to wash another set of sheets instead of getting things on my list done. To my surprise, the bed is dry - she has not wee'd. I am grinning as I sing "Good morning, good morning, good morning to you." Emy flicks her eyes open slowly and upon seeing me she groggily gets to her feet and starts laughing. "Ok Emy, time for breakfast". A quick nappy change and I plop her happily into her high chair at the breakfast bar.
And here is where it turns every morning. Travis is not at his seat. He has to be called 2ce to come to the bench and threatened with a toy removal. He eventually comes and I take a deep calming breathe and paste a smile on my face. "There you are Travis - it's nice to see you". He grunts in reply. Another deep breath "OK time for breakfast". I put the kettle on and get out our bowls, spoons & cups.
Emy happily babbles to Travis until Travis starts swinging on the chair. "Travis, stop that! You'll break the chair and fall over" I throw over my shoulder as I pull the weetbix out of the cupboard. Chaos erupts: "I don't want yucky weetbix" "Emy is hitting me" Emy screams. "Stop hitting Emy" " But you love weetbix""Emy! Stop it!" "Stop swinging on your chair" "Don't spit!".
Some where along there I get breakfast served and the kids start to eat and I make my coffee. Before my first sip tho the chaos stops me and I loose my patience. "Eat your breakfast" "Leave your sister alone" "Emy, cut it out" "Don't throw your food" "Put that in your mouth" "Get back in your seat and finish your breakfast"
Toy removal, being sent to their room, all sorts of different breakfast cereals, time out routines, "nigh nighs", smacks & distraction techniques haven't improved this time of day at all. By the time breakfast has been eaten its an hour later and both the kids are wearing some of their food (sometimes I am too!) - as is the floor and the kitchen bench - I estimate a 70% maybe made it into their tummies.
They get down and head into the playroom laughing. I am stressed and angry and frustrated and barely holding on.
The rest of the day can either go downhill or up from here. Which ever it may be - my coffee is cold and I sigh as I go make another one while chanting "OK that's done. There's still time to make myself proud today. I am still going to GET THINGS DONE, I am going to keep my temper, I can still have a good day with good children and I am going to do it all with grace." *Sigh* "OK. Coffee first, then get them dressed then.... mutter mutter mutter"....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So Grateful

For my gorgeous children who are the light of my life, for good health, for a wonderful fiance, for a sister who forgives, a mother who always manages to rescue me when I don't know what to do, a father to ground me as a country girl, a family that always welcomes me, in laws that I count as friends, a roof over our heads, high speed Internet, the warm heater at my side, a cat that loves to cuddle, an oven that always works & makes me seem a better cook than I actually am, potty training - that's getting better, cuddles on a cold morning, air conditioning on a hot day, being able to go to the Perth royal show, tasty very vanilla coffees, Christmas music, Kindergarten, a few hours off, my awesome family who babysits!, the drive in cinemas, Chocolate, only mild Bipolar swings, friends that care & make me laugh, pantry full of food, a freezer full too & the ability to provide for my family.
I am so grateful. I have alot to be thankful for.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Catchup 2010

OK I'm going to try doing this again :P

I'm 29 now - and cautiously watching my 30th tick closer every day (eeek).

I have 2 kids. My Travis is 5 years old and enjoying Kindy 2 days a week. Emilienne (Emy) is 2 years old and only just starting to show signs of the "terrible twos" - but she still manages to be so adorable you barely notice.

The number of pets in our house has dropped quite a bit. Onyx passed away first, then the fish and then finally Rusty (RIP my darling). Slatez is staying with my Uncle near the beach and apparently loving it. We had a budgie for a few weeks but it too passed away. All in all we've had a pretty heartbreaking run with pets lately but Duckie (so name because he squeaked like a rubber ducky as a kitten) is now 1.5yrs and seemingly content to be cuddled by anyone.

I did a bit of Uni but since I was heavily pregnant when I got in - it was very difficult (not to mention expensive with full time day care) but I got sick too and that was the end of that for a while. I tried online Uni but the course blew my mind and I freaked out and haven't gone back again. Now I'm just waiting for enrollment to begin for a TAFE makeup course which sounds like fun.

Most of my days is spent running after the kids and cleaning the house. It's a very frustrating experience at times and so spiritually fulfilling at others that I feel like a yo-yo. I'm looking forward to taking the next step in our lives - whether that's another child, buying a house, moving house, moving country, getting married, Travis starting full time schooling or my starting part time classes.

I've been experimenting lately with adopting a bit of the 1950's women's lifestyle. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not even gonna try for perfect nor do I believe I'm less anything than a man (OK maybe they're stronger for the most part) but I'm trying to get to a point where I'm "house proud". It's taken me a while to get this far - "not ashamed of the messy house" :P My routines have taken a while to settle into something workable but with my health no longer troubling me I'm getting alot more done and there are days when I'm downright proud of myself.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to catching up a bit more often :)