Sunday, September 12, 2010

Catchup 2010

OK I'm going to try doing this again :P

I'm 29 now - and cautiously watching my 30th tick closer every day (eeek).

I have 2 kids. My Travis is 5 years old and enjoying Kindy 2 days a week. Emilienne (Emy) is 2 years old and only just starting to show signs of the "terrible twos" - but she still manages to be so adorable you barely notice.

The number of pets in our house has dropped quite a bit. Onyx passed away first, then the fish and then finally Rusty (RIP my darling). Slatez is staying with my Uncle near the beach and apparently loving it. We had a budgie for a few weeks but it too passed away. All in all we've had a pretty heartbreaking run with pets lately but Duckie (so name because he squeaked like a rubber ducky as a kitten) is now 1.5yrs and seemingly content to be cuddled by anyone.

I did a bit of Uni but since I was heavily pregnant when I got in - it was very difficult (not to mention expensive with full time day care) but I got sick too and that was the end of that for a while. I tried online Uni but the course blew my mind and I freaked out and haven't gone back again. Now I'm just waiting for enrollment to begin for a TAFE makeup course which sounds like fun.

Most of my days is spent running after the kids and cleaning the house. It's a very frustrating experience at times and so spiritually fulfilling at others that I feel like a yo-yo. I'm looking forward to taking the next step in our lives - whether that's another child, buying a house, moving house, moving country, getting married, Travis starting full time schooling or my starting part time classes.

I've been experimenting lately with adopting a bit of the 1950's women's lifestyle. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not even gonna try for perfect nor do I believe I'm less anything than a man (OK maybe they're stronger for the most part) but I'm trying to get to a point where I'm "house proud". It's taken me a while to get this far - "not ashamed of the messy house" :P My routines have taken a while to settle into something workable but with my health no longer troubling me I'm getting alot more done and there are days when I'm downright proud of myself.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to catching up a bit more often :)

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