Friday, December 03, 2010

Too busy

It's nuts around here! I swear I've never been this flat out in my entire life (ok Maybe cashiering that  "000 sale" was slightly worse LOL). But I've never had it be this relentless. The worst part is - it's not going to get much better anytime soon - infact with school holidays rapidly approaching it's going to be worse for awhile!
So while my iphone has proven its worth a million times over with its awesome calender & alarms functions, I am going to have to use it some more - I'm going to have to BOOK IN "ME TIME"!

I simply have too many things going on at the moment (which includes people coming over regularly so I can't let even the dishes slide a bit!). What with my 2 adorable kiddies, 1 exhausted "hubby", 1 cat and a new kitten, a bunch of appointments every week for my son, his kindy (and all those special things that come with it like b'day parties, extra Xmas cards, meetings with teachers, assemblies etc), regular household chores, family commitments (I refuse to give them up.) & gearing up for Xmas all demanding my time (plus the occasional bout of insomnia making me zombie like for a week while I try to catch up on sleep) - I'm exhausted and using my addiction to facebook to steal "me time". 
Now I know I'm not alone here! How many times have I smiled at someone in the shopping centre, trying to bring just a little happiness to someone who is looking a little frazzled only to have them not notice because they're operating on auto pilot.....probably a million or more times. The funny thing is tho - did you ever notice how many more of us turn into zombies (just with big plastic grins) around Xmas?
So I'm going to do something about me - I'm not going to pretend to feel cheer - I want to actually feel it - I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I LOVE the spirit of it (not the presents but the family and friends, the extra helpings of tolerance, of goodwill and charity that we all make an effort to show)!
So since I can't do my usual pattern when I get a case of "The Shoulds" (see i-just-dont-feel-like-it blogpost), I'm going to try to stave it of for a little bit with some booked time out. 1 day a week where I don't clean (except the dishes and the kids),1 day a week where if I book an event for that day - it includes a glass of wine to unwind with, and 1/2 hour every morning during Emy's nap time that I facebook with a cup of hot coffee (no racing around after its made until you get half a sip of cold coffee - Travis can sit in his room and play or watch a DVD or draw it doesn't matter - aslong as it's quiet and calming)! 
It may not seem like much - but for me - those are the things I need to feel human, to feel alive, to feel like myself and not just my family's secretary. Hopefully this will hold of The Shoulds until after the Xmas rush - when I get a chance to have hubby home and so a bit of a holiday (lets face it - we all love it when Daddy takes the kids for a few hours no matter how much we love them :P )
How do you cope when it gets busy? What helps you get through the "silly season"?
Oh and BTW - Sam turned 30 last week! Please tell him he's not old - because it's my turn in March !! LOL!

1 comment:

Kerry and Stephen said...

Got to look after mum first, so she can look after everyone else!