Monday, October 25, 2010

I just dont feel like it!!!!!!!!!

Yep another day gone by and it's been too long since I've blogged. Well I have news for you - I just don't feel like it!

But the problem is that it's not just blogging that I don't feel like doing. It's everything!
You know the kinda day where you end up just pottering around the house going "I should do this" and "I should do that" but you don't. Or you do it ....sort of.
My father recently explained to me that he was suffering from a case of "The Shoulds". I mentally giggled like
a child, thinking that it sounded like a case of "The Runs" with the inflection he put upon it. A little bit further into the conversation & I menally patted myself on the back - yep a case of  "The Shoulds" is about as fun and appealing as facing a case of "The Runs".

Shoulds are all the things you know you have to do. You know - the things that stop you from having fun.
You should: wash the dishes, vacuum the carpet, mop the tiles, do some laundry, weed the back lawn, do your filing, pay that bill, drop of the dry cleaning, make something healthy and/or new for dinner etc etc.
When what you really want to do is say "Bugger this!! I'm going to...." go see a friend, have a glass of wine with hubby, go out to dinner, go swimming at the beach, play that video game, take the kids to a fun park, buy a new handbag etc etc.
Getting a case of "The Shoulds" means that all those Should things that are normally just unappealing, banal or indifferent tasks become absolutely repugnant and offensive.

I sat there in amazement staring at my father as he carefully explained (in slightly different words) another part of his lifes learning for the hundredth time - and I finally just got it! It clicked!
When you have a case of "The Shoulds" - give yourself permission to do something on the "want to list"!
Of course, I'm not saying that we do it all the time - just when it becomes a severe case (and that it wont leave you in financial difficulty). I mean it's simple: Every now and then - ignore your chores and do something for you - & don't feel guilty about it!

You'll feel better for it and you'll tackle those "Shoulds" alot better afterward!

So there I was: sitting at my Dad's place feeling guilty about not being at home cleaning with Sam for the rent inspection. I'd already made it half way - I was doing something on my "want to" list, but I hadn't quite finished it. I decided then and there to not feel guilty anymore. I was gonna enjoy my little holiday at Dad's and go back renewed.
It' worked! I went home a few days later and made Sam feel a hero for his efforts and attatcked my shoulds with vigor!
Today: I'm playing on the computer and letting the kids run around almost nude and watch videos (sometimes kids get it too!). Tomorrow: Busy work!

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